Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jumbleathon 2010

Holy flippin cow on a hot summer night in Cabo. I don't know why I just said that.

I'm going to pretend this is my journal and spill out a jumble of random thoughts because there is A LOT going through my mind right now. Ready. Set. Go.

1. Winter Break.
I have very mixed feelings about winter break. I had an awesome time with my family and friends and Adam. It was soooo good to have my room back and soooo good to be able to sleep in til 12 and soooo good to not have to devote one second of my time to anything productive. But on the other hand, I am really mad at myself for not setting aside more time to spend with others. I mean, I appreciated the laying around doing nothing, but I feel like I wasted some valuable time with people that I won't see again for a long time. I guess I was just thinking that winter break is three weeks long and I'll have plenty of time to see everyone. But I was wrong. And I really regret that.
The highlight of winter break was definitely the week I spent in Indianapolis with the infamous Persyn sisters and 2000 other college kids. It was an amazing experience. I was a little apprehensive about going because I felt like leaving for 5 days would compromise time spent with people I love. But it turns out that spending 5 days with God - immersing myself in his word, spending lots of time in worship and prayer, and listening to others' stories about how they're living for God - was completely worth my time. As soon as the conference was over, I wanted it to be next year so that I could go again.

2. Back At School.
I'm tellin ya, it's a freaking time warp. It felt like I was gone for a year over winter break, but now that I'm back, it feels like no time has passed at all. And my first night back in my top bunk was HORRIBLE. The people across the hall made me want to barf because they were SO LOUD. Actually they weren't even across the hall, they were IN the hall. Why? WHY? And also, I could not get comfortable for the life of me (mostly because of a certain dolphin pillow that is missing from my bed...again). But I figure, this is college and I gotta learn to be more flexible somehow. Whoa. I just saw a kid walking outside that looked exactly like Adam, except with much better style :) heehee. Anyway. Today was the first day of classes aka class for me because I just had one. Communications: Rhetorical Criticism. Sound random and confusing? I thought so too. But no. It was amazing. My prof probably thinks I'm weird because I was staring at her so intensely the entire time. I was eating up every word she said. It was creepy. But seriously, this class is right up my alley. It's all about the power of words. Hello?? I love reading and writing. And I think it's so, so interesting to learn about speeches and texts and words that have literally changed the world. Not only that but how they did it. I'm excited out of my bloomers over here.

3. My Sensitivity.
Are other people as sensitive as me? I really don't think so. My emotions have been out of whack lately and I tried to blame it on PMS, but it's been like a month so...can't do that. One second I'm totally happy and then the next I'm like crying. It's freaking me out, honestly. And as much as I'm trying to control myself, I keep telling myself how lucky I am to have Adam. He has had many oppurtunities to be mad at me for my unreasonableness, but he's never been mad at me. I love him for that. I'll be the one with all the crazy emotions and he'll be the one who has to deal with me. Sounds like a plan.

So there you have it. I'm back at school two days and already I'm being slammed with tons of stuff. I'm not complaining, that's life. I'm just trying to live it to the full.

Over and out.