Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Like a sun comin out of a rainy sky.

One of the things I love most about my Father is that no matter how long I spend in his word or how many Sunday sermons I hear or how many times a piece of Truth clicks in my noggin, I'm not even CLOSE to fathoming the depth of who He is. Every noggin of the the entire human race isn't even close! He's big.

So one of the first things Mike Whipple, the speaker at Fall Retreat, asked us to do on Friday night was to pray that God would teach us something that weekend. I prayed it. But I didn't really expect anything. Especially since the topic for the night was "Radical Decision" which I had already made. But something he said about God's character made me think of something I learned in D-time a few weeks ago: When our perception of God is distorted, it clouds our view of him so much that our relationship with him becomes tainted and we cannot walk with him the way he intends. Every sin can be traced back to that idea. Adam and Eve perceived that God was holding out on them, so they disobeyed his commands and chose their own path, apart from their Creator. And as Mr. Whipple kept talking, I realized I had been letting my view of God get pretty cloudy recently.

The focus of his talk was on making the decision to follow Jesus. And the number one reason we can make that decision is because of who Jesus is.

1. He is GOOD and his intentions toward me are good. Jeremiah 29:11. That's one of my favorite Bible verses, and yet I had forgotten that it was true for me! He puts each of our names in that verse: "For I know the plans for you, Katie, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." And he means it.

2. He is wise and He knows what is best for me. Can I argue with that? Can I honestly say that I am a better judge of how my life should pan out? Uhhh no. Jeremiah 10:12 says that "It is HE who made the earth by his power, who established the world by his freedom, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens." The one who did all that, who continues to hold the universe in the palms of his hands, is in control of my life! And everything he was and is and will be is like a giant face palm that reminds me that I am completely hopeless on my own and by his incredible MERCY, he puts up with my whining.

3. He is FAITHFUL and TRUSTWORTHY. This is the hardest part for me. Even though I know in my heart and soul that not one word has failed of all the good things that the LORD has promised [Joshua 23:14]. I get so frustrated with myself sometimes. He is God, and I am a little girl. Why do I continually trust myself more than Him? And once again, why does He put up with that? Well, he loves me. In spite of my doubts and my questions and my frustration and impatience, he can't get enough of me. And if he has to show me his faithfulness and trustworthiness over and over until the day I see him face to face, he will. And he will delight in doing so. Because he loves to walk through life with me! And he loves to teach and re-teach and re-re-teach me things about himself because he desperately wants my view of him to be clear!

On a semi-related note, I discovered a new David Crowder Band song! They played it at their concert last week (Best concert I've ever been to. Forizzle.) It's called Let me feel you shine. And I really really like this one part:

I lift the knife to the thing I love most, 
praying you'll come so I can have both. 
What I need is for you to touch me, 
what I need is for you to be the thing that I need.

What beautiful boldness would I have if I could live my life in constant surrender of the things I hold most dear, trusting that the LORD is good and that He will come through for me.