Sunday, June 5, 2011


I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here

It already feels like home! Which is kinda strange since it's only been about a week. It's the people. Each person I've met is like a perfect little shell on the beach of God's creation (yeah, I just said that). But seriously! When I'm surrounded by a group of laughing, beautiful, God-loving people, I feel blessed beyond compare. ALSO, the scenery. I knew there was a reason I've always wanted to go to Colorado! The evidence of the LORD's fingerprints on every tree and flower and mountain takes my breath away. I'm like God, seriously, can you get any cooler?

I've been trying to ignore this issue, but I need to confess that something's on my heart, and I'm not quite sure what it is. Moments of quiet bring me to tears because of this overwhelming feeling of restlessless. I want peace and I want to be made new and I want to bring glory to my Father with all of my heart...but there's something holding me back. It became clear to me today that I need to surrender IT, whatever it is, to the LORD. He so desperately wants to fill me with his peace, I'm just having a hard time letting him. So I'm praying for a conversation, a mini soul to soul, with someone here. I'm almost positive it'll result in a break down, but after that comes the build up right?

So, if you're reading, know that I'm having an UNBELIEVABLE time here at camp. But also keep me in your prayers. God's going to change me this summer, I know he is.

More of you, less of me.


  1. It is so cool that God is speaking to your heart AND that you are trying to listen. Keep focused on Him and you will hear.

    Enjoy God's beautiful creation(Colorado & You)! {someday you'll be back in the "armpit of IN"}

    Love you

  2. I love this. You are growing so, so much and it's totes awesome. Keep it up, girl, and He will most certainly fill you the way you are wanting. Love you!

    P.S. Moved my room around. I have a real excuse this time :)
