Saturday, June 12, 2010

Happy endings.

I have this feeling. And I know it's wrong. But I have this feeling that my life is like a movie. And I'm just waiting for the happy ending. I'm waiting for all the loose ends to be tied, for the credits to roll, for that good feeling that only the end of a fantastic movie can bring. I'm waiting for the romantic kiss under the stars, for the love of my life to show up at my doorstep and sweep me off my feet. But this is no ordinary movie. This movie is taking forever. This is Gone with the Wind times 10. And I feel like this is the boring part of the movie. Like the part you fast-forward through. Like the negative aspect of the movie that doesn't quite fit with everything else. This is the part of the movie where you hate the main character a little bit. Where you say "what the heck are you doing?? Just STOP and WAKE UP for pete's sake!" This part of the movie is just darn painful to watch.

But just like in those cheesy moments in chick flicks where they play the sad song, show the depressing montage of the sad, lonely people, and queue the rain falling from the sky and the tears falling from our eyes, where it's obvious that the movie is nowhere near the end, I know that this feeling I have is only for the moment. And I have faith and I have hope that things will get better. And I know that life is supposed to teach us that we're not guaranteed a happy ending. That real life isn't like a movie and things don't work out the way we want them to everytime. But I just don't buy it. I can't be that pessimistic. And I guess I'm supposed to believe that we choose our destinies and our happy endings depend on how hard we fight for them. But that doesn't cut it for me either.

See, my life isn't a predictable 2 hour movie that is too good to be true. And my life isn't a random jumble of choices and mistakes and good times and bad times. My life is a story that has already been written, the story of a thrilling, exciting, incredible journey. My life is a single tree in a forest of billions. And my life is a love song for him who holds the entire universe in his arms, yet still embraces me with pure, complete adoration. And at the end of my life, I am guaranteed a happy ending. I get to go Home to be with my Father.

I praise you for every step I take.
When I run, abandoned and brave.
When I tread softly, quietly, evenly.
And when I am closing my eyes, grasping for your hand,
afraid to move my feet.
Because I know you are with me,
my guide,
my light,
my love,
my joy.
I am never alone,
and each step I take brings me closer to you.


  1. I love your story how ever long it takes to "get to the good stuff" It's great to be in a front row seat. The ending will be AWESOME:)


  2. molly. you ruined it. its supposed to be one word comments.

    so ignore that. this is mine:


    hahaha just kidding i wouldn't do that to you. here it is forrealsies:


  3. ah theme change! but no post?

  4. inspiration has yet to strike me as of late.

    but isn't the theme pretty??
