Tuesday, November 17, 2009

40 minute phone call.

When you don't talk to someone that is truly important to you for a period of time, something happens to you. You start to feel an emptiness, a void, a hole that this person is supposed to fill. This hit me today. I was feeling bored, restless, and just plain lonely, and it hit me how much I miss Sam. And you know what? I'm truly ashamed that it took me two weeks to realize this. I needed to hear her voice, and I immediately started crying when I finally did. Gosh I hate that I've been such an awful friend. I know she's busy, and I know she doesn't always have time to talk on the phone for hours but still. Six years of friendship is worth the work to me, and if I have to annoy her endlessly to get 10 minutes on the phone with her, I'll do it. Definitely. It was so nice to talk to her about everyday things and also super important things. I love her so much, and I miss being able to see her. I miss Saturday night sleepovers and going to church like two hours early and painting our nails at Arby's and wandering around aimlessly in Target for hours and reading Seventeen and taking hundreds of pictures of ourselves and talking til 3 in the morning and laughing hysterically about the stupidest things. She gets me, she would never lie to me, she will always be there for me. And I am so, so thankful that she is in my life, and she always will be because these past two weeks of not talking to her have sucked major ballz, and I don't want to go through that again.

I love you Samantha Leigh Persyn :)


  1. me likey =]
    i'm glad things are better!
    this was really well written

  2. awwww i love you so much katie!

    oh and i like mushroom

