Monday, November 30, 2009


Well, I'm a girl. I overthink things, I panic when something unexpected happens, I am constantly worried and anxious about everything. A couple weeks ago, I was trying to reassure Becca that things always work out how they're meant to, and I ended up reassuring myself too.

I discovered recently that the details of our lives shouldn't be that important. What's important is the big picture, the ultimate goal. And, for me, that's all about God. Pleasing him, honoring him, loving others because of him. I was thinking that as long as we keep that in our minds and hearts, that God will fill in the rest of the gaps. He'll give us the friends to confide in, the colleges to attend, the missions trips to go on, the boyfriends to love, the jobs to have, the husbands to marry, the children to raise, the joy, the saddness, the experiences, the LIFE. He died so that we may have life and have it to the full, not to worry about everything and freak out all the time. The small things are not important, we have to remember that. Because it is so easy to become caught up in things, worthless things. True happiness is not a product of this world, true happiness comes from only God, from doing his will. He wants us to be happy, and he wants us to experience the life he has given us. And we do not have to worry because he'll provide for us everything we need, if we only let him take care of us. If we let him take control of the small things that cause so much stress and anxiety, just think of the relief. It's a perfect, wonderful feeling to give your problems and worries to the Father. Yet, it takes a tremendous amount of faith. But in the end, having faith in a perfect God is much, much easier than living for the small things.

The time is now, for lifting souls.
The time is now for letting go.
From your skin, to your core.
Let light and love come rushing through the door.
It's time to make a stand,
to put your heart in greater hands.
From your skin, to your core.
Let light and love come rushing through the door.
(Phil Wickham, The Time is Now)


  1. Let God direct you and you will have His reassurance. We already have His assurance of heaven. What could be better? You are living for the right things. I am so proud of you.

    Love you bunches,

  2. I am so glad that I have such a great friend to reassure me and is on fire for God! Keep writing girl cause I love to read it!

  3. now you know i'm not much of the religious type, but this is awesome. i'm so glad you were able to reassure yourself. you deserve the best kait.
    love you
