Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Somewhere between fuming and crying.

Have you ever met someone that's so polite, so generous, so selfless that they kind of make you sick? Yeah, that's my boyfriend. He's considerate and thoughtful and just plain good. And the craziest part? He feels awkward when I tell him this because he can't take a darn compliment. But enough about him. I'm going to talk about me.

I was feeling crappy today. All I had to look forward to was the riveting world of American Nature Writing and an encounter with my blasted professor, Dinosaur Man. So this is what happens when I'm in a bad mood: I get moody and I take out my anger on the people I love. I hate this about myself, I really do. Because it really is the last thing I want to do. I just want to be happy, so I'm mean to the people who make me happy? That makes no sense whatsoever. It's a major problem. So today was a classic case of Kaitlyn Being A Jerk, and who do I decide to unleash my wrath on? That boy I was talking about at the beginning.

I was a mess. I tried to say what was feeling. I tried to calm down. And do you know what he said in the middle of my mental breakdown? "I love you." Do you know how frustrating that was? How can anyone love me when I'm yelling at them for no reason? That just made me even more mad, honestly. But somewhere between fuming and crying, I realized how completely blessed I am to have someone who loves me when I'm being ridiculous. I am astounded by his patience, and I am so, so thankful. We were talking on the phone, but it was like he was hugging me, just waiting for me to come to my senses. And that was exactly what I needed.

So long story short, he frustrates me to the max and I'm pretty sure I will never completely understand him, but he loves me. And for that, I love him more than I can say.


  1. awwww! this about made me cry
    andrew does the same thing, except he doesn't say anything when i'm going on and on and on about my terrible day. he says NOTHING. and it drives me nuts because i would like a little feedback, but no. he sits there on the phone like he's deaf or something. but alas, i love him anyway because eventually he says something cute and sweet an then i'm over it.
    i love this post! it's adorable
    and i will always love you no matter how ridiculous you are <3

  2. Katie! This post is so emotional! I wanted to laugh/cry. You know, I was talking to you when I read it. But this is exactly what I meant when I was texting you last night. Being with someone is good because they can balance you out. See, I do know something :)

  3. ohhh boy. these boyfriends of ours. they really know how to handle our craziness don't they? sigh. i'm glad you have this too :)
