Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Got no time for feeling sorry.

I experience emotions of hatred toward a number of things -- Nickelback, Full House, bananas, washing dishes, losing things -- but I gotta tell you, something I truly hate is those moments I have when I feel sorry for myself. When I think that the whole world is going to end if I don't get [insert what I want] or when I think that I have too many things to worry about or too many things to do or too many people to please. When I get overwhelmed and when I get worrisome and when I feel like nothing could possibly get worse for me, that's when the self-pity sets in. That's when I want everyone around me to help me feel better and make all the bad things go away. That's when I want sympathy. That's when I want someone to say "Gosh Kaitlyn, you're really going through something tough." But what good does that do? What good does any of that do?

I am so sick of being so completely and utterly selfish that I lose sight of what's really importang. I am so sick of forgetting that I'm one of 6 billion people on this planet and what I'm going through can't compare to what some people have to live through every day. And I know that I can only take care of myself and I should be focusing on how I can better myself as a person and focus on what I need to do from day to day, but I hate it. I hate how selfish I feel all the time. And I hate that being selfish leads to feeling sorry for myself.

But what can I do? How can I break the cycle? Well, I can pray about it. And pray not just for myself but for the other people in my life, other people that experience just as many difficult moments as I do. And I can strive for ways to be less selfish. I can pray for oppurtunities to focus on someone else instead of me. And I can pray for humility and patience and selflessness. And with 6 billion other people on the planet, I really don't have time to feel sorry for myself.


  1. hey now girl. this sounds kinda sad. and i know kaitlyn renee is a happy person =] you are one of the most selfless persons i know. seriously, if anyone is selfish ya know it's me. but at the same time, you're in college and now is the time to focus on you. because a little birdie told me that once you grow up, it's never about you anymore. college is the time to figure out what you want in life and find those true friends who will stick with you forever. college is about you and what you make of it. self-pity aint the way to go, but i know that's not you anyway. keep your chin up girlfriend. and know that you can always complain to me- the complaining queen
    luhh you (this was long sorry)

  2. Such a sad post...what's up girly? Everyone is selfish sometimes, but that's now what I think about you. It's okay to have problems too!

  3. sooooo once again, i forgot about blogspot. haha. but i just caught up on your posts :) and i still love your writing. and hey, just like they said, everyone is selfish sometimes. its just realizing it and putting yourself back where you belong that matters :D
