Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mr. Darcy's sexy pants.

Can I just take a second to share my undying devotion for the amazingness that is Pride & Prejudice?

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a man in possession of a large sum of money must be in want of a wife."

Yeah, that's the first line of the book. Be jealous of my mad skillz. Okay, nerdy moment over. I got the sudden urge to watch Pride & Prejudice at 11:30 this evening, and let me tell you, it was a stupendous idea. I love everything about that movie. E v e r y t h i n g. Even Mr. Collins, actually especially Mr. Collins because he is deliciously creepy. And Keira Knightly is amazing. She's not wearing any make-up through the whole darn thing and her hair is a bloody mess (did you catch that British-ness?) but she still looks gorgeous. And the setting?? Gol-darn, hitch me to a ship and get me to England! Seriously, it's breathtaking: the fogginess, the mistiness, the sunniness peeking through the cloudiness. Perfect. And then, folks, there's Mr. Darcy. Holy. Flippin. Cow. First of all, he's gorgeous. And not like in the pretty-boy kinda way. He is scruffy and he has chest hair and he has sexy pants (even for the 18th century). Second of all, he has that mysterious/brooding/kinda-arrogant vibe going on that is so...[swoons dreamily]. And third of all, he says things like "You have bewitched me body and soul" and "From this moment on I never wish to be parted from you." How can Elizabeth Bennet refuse? And how the heck did she get so lucky? Goodness gracious, this movie has me hooked from start to finish literally every time. And it never gets old. It just makes me feel all warm inside and I get this like head-in-the-clouds sort of feeling. Jane Austen was bloody brilliant (ha! I did it again!)


  1. hahahahaaa!! sexy pants. love it!! this movie is amazing. and great use of the word bloody. lolz!

  2. Amazing movie! If you think Darcy is hot in this one, you need to check out the BBC la la!

  3. I second Becca & recommend the (yes it's 5 hours but so worth it b/c no other version compares) BBC version.
