Friday, August 20, 2010

New directions.

^Yeah, that's the name of the club on glee.

As I watch my RENT poster dance in the breeze from the fan and I hear the ticking of Becca's annoying desk clock and I look at all the piles of junk that I have covering every surface of space, I home. And that's a pretty nice feeling.

I'm not the bravest/most out-going/most self-confident person in the world so the thought of transferring to a school with 6,000 people in the freshman class alone is not exactly what I would call easy. But I am embracing every moment of this new direction. Because no matter how unsure of myself I feel, I remind myself that I am braver, more out-going, and more self-confident than I have ever been in my whole life. And for that, I am thankful. And this experience is only going to push me further. I'm going to be friendly, I'm going to smile a lot, I'm going to be happy with who I am. Because this is the life I have been given, this is the place I've been sent, and these are the people who will be in my life.

Yeah I'm nervous. Obviously I'm intimidated. But I'm not going to let that stand in my way any more. This may be a new direction, but it's the same old me. And I'm learning to love myself remember? And as Jon Mclaughlin always told me, "the only way to love yourself, give your love to someone else."

I love you all :)
And best wishes for any new directions you may be facing.



    this post was really encouraging to me today!
    thank you.

    as always, you are an amazing writer, and i know that this new direction in your life will be an amazing one.


  2. The ticking clock will live on!

  3. love this!! wow you are so empowering! i love you so much. you're going to love this year, i can so tell =]
