Saturday, August 14, 2010

This one's for baby Gaby.

My heart is broken for the Brown family who lost their little baby girl a couple days ago. They have an incredible, unforgettable, inspiring story (here's their blog), it's just that I thought it would end differently. 

It's stories like this that would make it so easy for us to be angry with God. To ask him why. To turn our backs on him because of the pain we're feeling. And it's stories like this that make me want to cry into my pillow for hours. It makes me wish that we could all just be in heaven now, so Jesus could dry our tears himself. But it wasn't our time yet, it was Gaby's time. And there is no logical way for me to wrap my head around that. There is no chance in this world that I can answer the why question. And I can't even begin to fathom the perfect complexity of God's plan.

This, folks, is where faith comes in.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1

When nothing in this life makes sense. When I feel the walls caving in around me. When I'm gasping for air and begging for help. That's when faith begins. That's when I have to accept that I can't know all the answers, but I can know the God who holds the universe in his hands. I can trust that his love for me is bigger than any sorrow I may face in this life. Honestly, it's hard, it's an ongoing struggle. But ultimately, it's all we have. 

In the amazing words of Shelley Brown, "For today we find comfort and joy in the thought that Gaby is dancing with Jesus."

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Sweet Girl. Keep trusting in God... He's the only one who knows the whole plan.
