Monday, August 30, 2010

Hold on to your hats, folks.

DISCLAIMER: This is ridiculously long. I had a lot to say. If you read the whole thing, that would be just wonderful. But I mean, I respect those with short attention spans.

The Light

It's things like this that make me think the world is a horrible place.
That sin/evil/pain/disaster are forces so strong that they leave lives destroyed, hearts broken, faiths shattered, and hopes forgotten.
They leave people starving, homeless, empty, angry, hurt, bitter, hopeless, broken, afraid.
They put chains and scars and bruises and holes into our hearts.
They envelope the world in darkness.
Why does it have to be that way?
I know that the Light exists, but sometimes it's so hard to see.
So unbelievably hard.
I know that there is Love and Hope and Joy and Good in the world.
I believe that with all my heart.
But when all I see are storm clouds, it's hard to even imagine the sun.
It's hard to believe that there is warmth.
That our tears will dry.
That we are not alone.
That we are loved.
We find ourselves asking where is the good in the world?
Why can't I feel the love?
Why is darkness all I see?
Where is the light?
Where is the hope?
And then a tiny thought enters our minds.

Where is God?

If God stands for Love and Hope and Joy and Light, why isn't He standing for it now?
If He is all-powerful and mighty and strong, why does evil exist in the world?
Why does he allow these things to happen?
These questions haunt our minds.
But asking these questions doesn't fix the problem.
Asking these questions causes pain and heartache and fear and doubt.
Asking these questions makes God's Light dimmer.
Because God does not stand for Love and Hope and Joy and Good.
He is Love.
He is Hope.
He is Joy.
He is Light.
And God is not limited to the definitions that we give Him.
God is not a label that we can attach to "good" and a scapegoat we can blame for "evil."
God's power does not diminish when we denounce His power.
And despite our sin, our anger, our evil, our doubts, our hate, our anguish, our heartache, our fear, our worry, our stubbornness, our bitterness, our shame.

Despite our grasp on wordly things.
Despite our uncertainties about who God is.
Despite the moments when we turn our backs on God and run in the other direction.
He is still there.
He remains the same.
He is Love and Hope and Joy and Light.
And He is the antidote to the evil, the darkness, the pain, the sin.
Not the cause.
Not the blame.
And He has not abandoned the world.
He has not abandoned His Children.
He never will.
His Light has not been extinguished on this earth.
His Love is visible.
In a smile, a hug, a kiss, a friend, a mother.
In the kindness, generosity, patience, peace, honesty, creativity, brilliance, warmth that exists within each of our hearts.
In the beauty of the earth.
The complexities of nature.
The vastness of the universe.
In the way that He loves us unconditionally.
In the way that He calls us each by name.
In the way that He longs for us to know Him.
Sin/evil/pain/disaster may be strong forces that envelope the world in darkness.
But my God is stronger.
He is above all things.
He is in all things.
And through Him, all things come together.
In Him is life.
In Him is a light that shines in the darkness.
A light so bright that the darkness cannot hope to overcome it.

God, shine your light on me.
Show me your glory.
Let me feel your presence.
I trust you.
I love you.
You have my heart.
You have my life.
You will never desert me.
I shall forever be wrapped in your embrace.


  1. Kaitlyn! You are inpiring person. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. You "Wow!" me with your insight and faith.


  3. eventually i think you're going to be discovered and everything you have ever written will be published. and you will be famous. and i shall want dat autograph of yours. i love this! you are so talented =]

  4. AMEN.

    "My feeble, whispered, faithless prayer invokes a thunderous, resounding, bone-shaking 'amen!' from countless angels, from hero's of the faith, from Christ himself."
