Thursday, September 2, 2010

The importance of doing nothing.

Hey, it's September. That means fall is coming soon. Goodness gracious, I can't wait for fall. Leaves and apple cidar and football games and sweaters and perfect, sweet, crisp air. Perfection. I should be doing my homework now. Or taking a shower. Or doing something productive like constructing a 3-d moon out of flower stem wire. Ya know, something like that. But here I sit. You know something? I'm really a pro at doing nothing. Sometimes I just like to stare out the window. Sometimes I like to watch mindless television. Sometimes I like to lay in my bed and think. Sometimes I like to download music illegally. Or sometimes I like to blog about how I like to do nothing. For some people, this is a huge waste of time. Especially those busybusybusygottakeepmovingorI'llexplode people. But me? I NEED to waste time. In order to keep my sanity. Yeah, part of it is being lazy. But mostly, it's just slowing down for a second. Catching my breath and enjoying doing absolutely nothing. Taking in a deep breath and smiling to myself, not really sure why. Just cuz. It's nice. I call it being content. Knowing I could be doing something, but realizing that I'm happy just sittin. It's okay to do nothing from time to time. Just relax. Life can get so serious, so complicated, so annoying, so busy, so demanding. I say, find something that makes you happy and do it. Something for yourself. Don't schedule every second of your life. Leave some blank spaces and let your mind wander. Make shapes outta the clouds. Look for a four leaf clover. Roll down a hill. Watch Project Runway. Dance around in your underwear. Sing into your hairbrush. Watch stupid youtube videos. Be silly. Go for a walk and smile at strangers. Act like a kid again. WHATEVER. Just don't get so busy that you forget how to waste time. Because that would be a serious shame.


  1. this is so great!! in my lazy time, i like to scrapbook. or watch mindless tv. i love this post so much! it's quite true =]

  2. i agree with you wholeheartedly. life is wayyyy to fast to be busy all the time. :)
