Thursday, September 30, 2010


Hi, my name is Kaitlyn and I have some serious anger issues. 

My besty friendy forevery Samanthy informed me of this tonight. Not that I really needed informed. And of course, when she told me, I kinda just got even more mad...

You see, this is what happened. We were driving home from Target, our homeland. And let me tell you, West Lafayette is the most confusing city in the world to drive in. So we turned down some street that led to some other street then I missed the turn on the street that I wanted to turn on, so I thought I'd circle around the block to get back on track. But NO. I was foiled by a one way street! GAHH! So I had to go back on the original road and go way out of the way and back track and blah blah blah. I was frustrated beyond belief.

But I have to ask myself, why? Why do I let certain things drive me so completely nuts? Why do I get angry at something so stupid as having to go half a mile in the wrong direction? It's ridiculous, honestly. And the worst part about losing my temper is that I find myself lashing out on people that I care about. I hate that. So, so much.

Folks, I'm a hot head sometimes. But I'm working on it. And I'm praying for patience. I'm praying for kindness. For love. For self-control. I'm constantly reminding myself to calm down. To take a deep breath. To snap out of it.
It's a struggle. But I'm not producing fruit on my own here, I'm abiding in the True Vine, my Father. And the branches that don't produce fruit need to be pruned.

So I have to say thank you to Samanthy. Thanks for holding me accountable. And for telling me I'm being a nutso.