Sunday, November 28, 2010

Late night metaphors.

I just crawled into bed and got a super creepy feeling. Like someone was hiding in my closet or something. And guess what I did. I made like a four year old and threw the covers over my head. And I felt better. This is perplexing to me.

Why do we feel safer under the covers?

It makes no sense, really. It doesn't make the scary stuff go away. It doesn't offer any protection. It's a blanket. But it feels safe. Maybe because it's a quick fix. Like a band-aid or duct tape. Temporary.

Listen up, four year old kids (and everybody else). The thing to do is throw off the covers and say "Hey scary thing in the closet, I'm not gonna hide from you. That would be dumb. Because seriously, I know I can take you." That'll show em.

Think about it. Nighty night!