Friday, February 18, 2011


Something truly amazing happened to me last week. And I've been waitin since last Friday for the blogger bug to bite me so I'd be in the right state of mind to really give it justice. Ohhhh boy.

Okay, let's start off by saying Blue Like Jazz is possibly the COOLEST book I've ever read. Don Miller is such an interesting writer! He says the most astonishing things. Like, I have to stop and reread things because it sounds like he's speaking directly to my heart. It's awesome. Read it.

So anyway, I had just finished the chapter about loving others. He talks about a lot of cool things. Like livin with hippies. But the most amazing part of the chapter came at the very end. He pointed out that there are always two conversations going on when we talk to someone: one of words and one between hearts. And to genuinely love others, we have to feel something in our hearts for them, something deep and pure. The last words of the chapter are:

"When I go to meet somebody, I pray that God will help me feel His love for them. I ask God to make it so both conversations, the one from the mouth and the one from the heart, are true."

I thought that was truly beautiful.
I want that. I don't even know how it can happen, how I can feel God's love, but I want it!

Now, for some background information:

The day before I read that chapter in Blue Like Jazz, I wrote "I miss being in love, God. I really miss it." That's it. And the thing is, I didn't really expect anything to come from it.

But then, I met this boy. His name is DeMarco. He's very sweet and very loud. He was really early for his class and he just started talking to me about school, life, even Blue Like Jazz which was sitting beside me on the floor. At one point he said something like "Why am I talking to you? I don't even know you!" But he said that I seemed very nice and that he was glad to meet me. After we said goodbye, I was in a state of...elation.

That's when all this clicked.

I realized that I can be in love. Yes, in a relationship with a boy and someday my husband, and the people in my life like my family and friends. But SO much more so than that!

By asking God to let me feel his love for everyone I meet, I can fall in love -- a giddy, joyful, crazy, unexplainable kind of love -- for everyone he loves. Even those who are hard to love. Those with flaws, those who have made mistakes. People filled with hatred and brokenness. With heavy hearts, secret pasts, lonely existences. People who don't want anything to do with God. People who hate Christianity. And people I happen to meet in the hallway at Heavilon. ALL OF EM.

See, I didn't write "I miss having a boyfriend." I wrote "I miss being in love." And the LORD showed me that I don't need a boyfriend to fall in love. I just need HIM.

Gosh He is so darn faithful! He answered my prayer in such a beautiful way. I think I'm different. I think I want to be in love with the world as much as I want to be in love with Jesus.

WOWZERS so that was my amazing moment of late.
My God is so good :)


  1. That's so cool! My God is so good too :)

    I love how he works things through words, nature, other people... He's multi-demensional!

