Thursday, February 4, 2010

My heart is torn.

I've never had an inkling to hear my dad yell curse words, but right now, I think that's the only way to describe how I'm feeling. My father flips over tables for Hoosier basketball. He doesn't leave the house (or lounge around the house) without wearing at least one article of IU clothing. If you try to ask a question, make a statement, or even say say something nice to him while IU is playing, be prepared to get slapped and/or thrown out the front door. My family can attest to this, I am SO not joking.

So, here I find myself, in my dorm room, all alone, bored out of my mind, watching the Purdue vs. IU basketball game, and I miss my daddy. 4.8 seconds left and I can picture him on the edge of the couch cushion, eyes ablaze, jaws clenched, mesmerized. "Foul him!" "Get back on defense!" "What the #$%^!" What a beautiful picture of an American sports fan.

Also as I sit here, I can't picture being a [deep breath] Boilermaker. I think my baby blanket was cream and crimson, and I distinctly remember being dressed in an IU sweatshirt as a toddler. I've known the players' names every season, I know that this is a "rebuilding year", and I know that Mike Davis was the worst coach to ever walk the earth. I've defended IU's honor countless times, and I love sharing that bound with my dad.

But I plan to go to Purdue next heart is torn.

Can I be a neutral fan? Is that allowed?
Well, here's hoping my father doesn't disown me.


  1. your daddy will always love you, no matter where you go to school. all parents ever want is for their children to be happy and healthy and follow their dreams. so, my dear dear katie, follow your dreams!

  2. Roxanne - that is perfect advice...very true...kinda biased for a BOILERMAKER LOVER!

    Kait - we, your brothers and I, will love you no matter what you do or become. Dad MAY be a different story...Hope not.

    Love you so much.

  3. well if your dad doesn't disown you, then i'll have to.
    kidding!! i will just have to come visit a lot =]

  4. I have never physically assualted any of you over an IU game....that is a big time eggageration Molly...err...Kaitlyn. Please don't post things like that about me on your widely read blog.

    If Purdon't is where you end up then so be it...just make sure and get me tix for IU at Purdue in 2011!

    I miss you too.


