Saturday, February 27, 2010

Son of a two-faced jackal.

You know what makes me REALLY SUPER angry? When people ignore me. I'm not talking to myself folks! Seriously. Sometimes I'm even asking questions! And it's not that I'm not talking loud enough. It's like my voice is at that perfect pitch that people have no problem just tuning it out. And let me tell you, it is a pain in the butt. As if I don't feel lonely enough and then when I'm actually with people that I like...[cricket cricket] It's like I'm not even here. This is why it is necessary for me to have a journal and a blog. So that all the brilliant thoughts in my head are not completely ignored. That makes me sad to think about: that I feel so ignored that I have to share my thoughts with a book and my laptop. That's borderline pathetic. Whatever. I love writing and at least I know my good friends are reading this and actually LISTEN and RESPOND to me when I talk to them. Goodness gracious.

Sometimes I just wish I was more on the assertive and outspoken side. And you know what the worst part is? I really am not a quiet person. It's like I have this switch that flips on and off. I hate it so much. Like why can't I just be myself all the time? Why does shy Kaitlyn have to kick in? And most importantly, why does it have to be so hard to just be myself and be accepted?


  1. i am always here for you to talk to and you know i will listen. i love you!!

  2. Join me in my gradual cessation of verbal communication! Abandon your fruitless efforts on this sham they call sociality!

  3. i listen to your brilliant thoughts.
    and on a side note.. ms roof came to burger king today and we exchanged hamlet quotes. it was a lovely moment.

  4. What...were you saying something?!

    Love you Ratlyn

  5. ooooh i got "conie" this time. that's like, a name.
