Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fearsome Foursome Memories Extravaganza!

Well a certain someone won't leave me alone about this blasted list. So without furthur ado here we go...

-Ashley's fashion show in the dark at Camp Endurance.
-Lisa flying to the front of the van at Dare 2 Share.
-"Ya ta ta ta!"
-Ashley screaming when the siren went off in Tennessee.
-Getting drunk off of water. And fake strawberry daqueris.
-Sam seeing Butterscotch on the toilet.
-"Would the owner of the white camarro please move your car?"
-Taking pictures at the photobooth at the Rave.
-My dolphin pillow, Tasey, Ashley's bunny, and Joshie Bear.
-"Bidi bidi bah! I like how I wasn't in that picture!"
-Arguing about how I actually said that^
-Laughing hysterically at Patrick playing with those little Arby's toys.
-Magazine Face.
-"Yo my name is bunny, people say I'm funny I'd like to call you funny...dang it!"
-Singing Kokomo about 52342343 times at Becca's birthday party.
-Sleepovers out on Becca's porch.
-My marriage and divorce to Jon.
-Ashley's birthday scavenger hunt at the mall.
-"Why don't you look it up in the dic...tionary?"
-Playing UNO on the lake trip.
-"Can you get a tan from a campfire?"
-The Power Rangers, the Tizzle Dizzles, and the Panthers.
-Going out on the pond at Sam's house.
-Seeing Wicked.
-"Shut up you Ukranian butthole!"
-The Brainquest Game Show.
-Sam tripping while playing MatBall
-Jumping out the window at that winter camp.
-Plucking each other's eyebrows.
-Posing with Elvis.
-"Don't they have that in all 52 states?"
-Getting attacked by water guns while playing DDR at Camp Endurance.
-Posing as Destiny's Child girls at Ashley's birthday party.
-"I'm Nigel, I'm Nigel, I'm Nigel, I'M NIGEL!!"
-Watching the Notebook, and crying during the conversation afterwards.
-Pretending it was Sam's birthday at Casa's and not getting a cake.
-The silly string in Bad Patrick's face incident.
-Making fun of Todd saying "I suggest..."
-Youth Group, Dear Readers.
-The Mystery Fart that NOBODY will own up to.
-American Girl Dolls.
-Curling each other's hair for church.
-"Shut the mustard."..."That's what she said!"
-Me and Ashley's Curlers Incident.
-Every single one of us had a crush on Travis Block.
-Seeing Jon McLaughlin (twice for some of us).
-Making videos in the bathroom at the Y.
-"It's simply rat droppings in the back corner."
-Angela's Lizard on the Ceiling Incident.
-Angela's Falling in the Hallway Incident.
-"Tim, shut up."
-Almost dying multiple times when Patrick would turn around and talk to us on road trips.
-525,600 minutes Seasons of Love.
-Arguing about who actually said that^
-Making fun of Becca's SPF 50.
-Scaring the crap out of Mandy Rowland when we bombardered her at our first meeting.
-Becca's baptism.

Goodness gracious! That's not even half. That's not even close to half. The Fearsome Foursome has been through it ALL. You guys are more than my best friends. You mean the world to me. And I wouldn't trade a thing for all that we've shared together. We're going to continue to do great things, and no matter what happens, always know that I love each of you for being exactly who you are. I'm here for you, always. I thank God every day for putting you in my life.

Yep, I'm crying. Tears of joy baby :)


  1. I love this even though many of the things I said were stupid and then were later used against me. Good times baby!

  2. haha i love you guys so much!
    good times. for sure. i will never forget all this. :)

  3. I have that tablet of quotes from Nashville.
    I'm glad some of that didn't surface! I have been happy to join you or watch even a small portion of your fun and growing together. You all are super, blessed, and a joy to be around. I wouldn't trade-in any of you!


  4. i've never experienced any of these times
    but even reading them made me laugh
    because i know you girls have a crapload of fun
    and it makes me happy that you're all happy

  5. Molly! I want to see those quotes, I thought they were lost forever!

  6. hmmmmmmm..........great times if u kno what i mean..........

  7. B

    you now have three bffs with blogs. maybe you oughta reconsider your blog description.

  8. you got your blog after me, so you had no influence whatsoever on me starting a blog. sorry.
