Monday, October 12, 2009



Just looking at that word makes me happy. I am not exaggerating. The day Mrs. Bowlin showed the Phantom of the Opera in 7th grade choir was the day I found my life obsession. Also not an exaggeration. I get the chills while listening to Defying Gravity every single time. Maybe This Time from Caberet gives me the sudden urge to sing on top of a bar and dump a cocktail on some guy's head. When I watch the La Vie Boheme scene from Rent, I feel like I'm a part of something bigger than myself, like I'm taking a stand against society too. I'd give anything to be serenaded by Ewan McGregor like Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge!. And of course I'd pee my pants/pass out/scream if I ever met Kristin Chenoweth.

It's hard to put my finger on exactly what about musicals excites me so much. I admire the astronomical work that is put into each and every show. I am in awe of the ability of the actors to invoke such powerful emotion. And I love the escape that they provide, that feeling of being completely transported to Buenos Aires or Paris or Oz or New York City. Yes, they are entertaining, but it is so much more than that. Musicals can be broken down into an explicit formula - the overture, the introduction, the conflict, the humor, the climax, the love scene, the conflict again, the resolve, the happy ending - yet it doesn't translate to predictability. Again and again I feel the character's pain, I rejoice when they finally get what they want, and I am surprised at how everything comes together in the end. Maybe I'm sappy or just plain lame, but musicals never get old. Each scene holds something to be cherished, each character offers a degree of insight, and each song has the ability to stir something within me.

I love musicals because they are perfect adaptations of reality. This may sound weird considering in reality people don't sing in the streets or dance with inanimate objects or solve all their problems as the curtain falls. But the fact is, life can be like that. And if we search hard enough, life can offer us as much fulfillment as the opening notes of the dramatic overture, the pivotal love scene, or the final bow.

Yes, they can be cheesy. And no, not everyone shares my views on the essence of their masterpiece. But there is no denying that musicals are at least interesting. I mean seriously how fantastic would it be if we could each pour our hearts out to each other using the perfect combination of words and melody while standing under a spotlight in front of hundreds of adoring fans? I would say pretty darn fantastic.


  1. wait, what?! people don't actually sing in the streets in reality?!
    ugh life just sucks now
    i do that all the time

    hahaa i love this kait! you know i be lovin dem musicals too girl!

  2. it's so refreshing to see hope
