Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Here it is folks!

I know you have all been thinking the same thing: "I love quoting movies and television, and I love making people confused. How can I combine the two into something fantastic?"

Well, here it is folks!

Kaitlyn Beer's Top Ten Movie/Television Quotes That Can Be Inserted Randomly Into Everyday Conversation:

10. "He's fixing a divot!" from Space Jam
-Okay so this one pretty much can only answer the question "what's that guy doing?" but it's great to have in your back pocket if that special moment should ever arise. Also it must be yelled.

9. "That's right, lots of people!" from Bring it On
-Whenever anyone is talking about a large crowd of people, this is definitely a good one to use. Make sure you say it in a bratty, whiny, cheerleader-y voice.

8. "Dang it Trudy! What about the pineapple?" from How I Met Your Mother
-Now I understand that you probably don't know anyone named Trudy, and conversations about pineapples just aren't that common. But still this delightful phrase is perfect for such occasions as: when someone won't tell you something, when you are repeatedly asking the same question with no answer, or when you ask a question to someone and he keeps avoiding answering. Yes I am aware that all of those situations are basically the same thing.

7. "This corn is like an angel." from Dan in Real Life
-Basically this one can be used whenever anyone says anything about angels. It's a crowd pleaser.

6. "She doesn't even go here!" from Mean Girls
-As probably the funniest line from the movie, this line is great on its own. However the highest comedic achievement is attenable when an individual speaks out on a matter in which he/she is not involved. Also, it should be said in a high-pitched, fake-girly voice. Kind of like a gay guy pretending to be a girl.

5. "I can't bring people back from the dead, it's not a pretty picture, I don't like doing it!" from Aladdin
-There is no situation that I can think of that would require this response. Unless you're actually talking about bringing people back from the dead. So just use this one at your own risk.

4. "Why don't you just tell me the name of the movie you've selected!" from Seinfeld
-This one would be good if used when someone won't tell you something etc. (see #8). This line should also be accompanied with a sort of upward shaking of the head.

3. "This class is ridiculous." from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
-There are a couple of essential elements that must accompany this line. First of all, it must be said in a thick British accent. Second, it must be followed by a creepy eyebrow raise. This one pretty obviously can be used whenever anyone says anything is ridiculous. The random accent is sure to turn heads whenever you use this bad boy.

2. "Well then tell them I had a seizure." from 10 Things I Hate About You
-Because this movie is utterly fantastic, any line can be used randomly in conversation. This specific line, though difficult to insert into daily conversation, is a comedic gold mine.

1. "Oy with the poodles already!" from Gilmore Girls
-This one is number one because, honestly people, it's a classic. It can be said out of frustration, in the presence of poodles, when someone says "oy", or basically anytime, anywhere. It's a wonderful catch phrase that combines two of the funniest words known to man. Thank you Lorelai Gilmore. You are my hero.

Well, folks, hope you enjoyed the list. And I hope it helps make your daily conversations more randomly interesting and slightly awkward. Don't be afraid of weird looks! Embrace them! Good luck :)


  1. this made me laugh hysterically! and my roommate is trying to sleep so it's difficult to be quiet. heheee
    you say these things to me all the time when we're together
    good work girl

  2. oy with the poodles already!
