Monday, October 26, 2009

Grocery Store Withdrawal

I miss going to the grocery store. How weird is that? That's weird. Because I really hate the grocery store. Everytime I go there, I'm with my mom and she has to buy something from every aisle. Even the pets' aisles (we don't have a pet). I'm pretty sure that throughout my life I have spent a combined 45 days at the grocery store. But you know what they say, you never know what ya got til it's gone. And there is no Meijer in Lake Forest. There are no amish people to secretly mock, there are no clearance racks to peruse, and gosh dangit I haven't had a free sample in like three months. Grocery Store Withdrawal has become a serious problem for me.

There are other little things that I miss about my good old hometown. I have had to resort to illegally downloading music because I can no longer steal music from the library. And the Lake Forest city library won't let me renew online! Ridiculous! And there is a book that I really want to read, but I can't check it out because I will inevitably receive large amounts of late fees.

Nobody here says putt-putt. It's mini-golf. Not that I'm a big fan of putt-putting. I hate it actually. But it still makes me sad.

Another thing, I miss fast food. The closet thing I've had to fast food here is orange chicken at Panda Express. Which is amazing, but I'm craving more grease. I've been eating salads like every day. What the heck is that? I miss Burger King french fries and Taco Bell burritos and McDonald's chicken nuggets. I blame my parents because we had fast food about three times a week my entire life.

And, of course, I miss my house. I miss my own room with my bedside table where I can keep my books and pens and alarm clock right next to me. I miss being able to listen to my iPod while I'm in the shower. I miss having privacy while I'm in the shower (well I guess I never really had that). And I miss being able to dance around in my room without the possibility of tripping over desks, tables, clothes, bookbags, etc.

I really do love living in a dorm room, but honestly I miss my blue house with the cubs flag and green pool in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Independence is great, but it comes at cost. And it turns out that the cost of all those little things - amish people, free samples, putt-putt, greasy food, and my loud, messy house - is bigger than I thought it would be.


  1. the pets aisle is for alex. don't even pretend like you don't know that.



  2. don't worry sam, your time will come [creepy smile]

    ps: you're right about alex. how could I forget?

    pps: I never thought I'd hear rebecca freed say that.

  3. people here say i have a funny accent. whaaat? i miss being home where everyone talks the same as me tehhee
    i feel ya on the grocery store too. and putt putting is my thang in the summer
    i miss my friends from work =[
    i also miss you baby

  4. Your mother and I protest the fast food 3x's a week your entire life! That is a huge exaggeration. During baseball season maybe twice a week. I made spaghetti plenty of times much to your disgust. It is true you did the dishes a lot after we cooked...I noticed you did not write about missing that!

  5. I love that you've already figured out that home isn't THAT bad! Independence does come with a cost...but it worth it when we use it wisely. You've been blessed and will continue to be blessed. Choose wisely!
    And don't forget...the Cubs flag comes back every year, so does the green pool!
