Sunday, October 18, 2009

Something struck me today.

Something struck me today. People are always saying "I live life with no regrets" and this is so strange to me. Is that even possible? There are times when I regret something the second I say it. Or I look back on a specific moment and wish I could do the total opposite of what I did. I struggle with regret because I struggle with second chances. I want something and if I don't get it, I tend to give up. When I try so hard to achieve something only to have it thrown back in my face, I lose that drive that allowed me to get there in the first place. How is it even possible for me to start over when I lost? That's what gets me. That loser mentality. Losers lose because they did something wrong. Losers lose because they let something beat them. And the regret I feel after losing feels too unbearable to try again.

I think that regret, at least for me, is a transitional feeling. When I'm looking back on a situation and realizing that it could have played out in so many different ways, I panic. I beat myself up for not seeing something obvious or saying too much or even wanting something in the first place. This panicking stage is all about regret. I can't let go of that regret until I realize that all this happened for a reason. It is only then that I can calm down and start over. It is at that point that I have no regrets. Holy frick on a stick, I can't wait to get to that point.


  1. girl, you are the most amazing person i've ever met
    and you're definitely not a loser
    keep your chin up woman, and you know i'm always here to make ya smile

  2. Katie I loved the "holy frick on a stick" comment. But you are right, livinig without regrets is a transitional thing. It takes time to get to that point in life. Once you get there it is incredibly freeing. And you are by no means a loser.

  3. I used to carry regret with me all the time, but now I don't. I wouldn't categorize it as a sort of progression; it's just a different way of living, in my opinion. Keep in mind that there are pros and cons to everything in life.

  4. You'll get there - hang in there b/c it might be awhile. Transition equals change and no one likes change even for the better. Don't look at experiences for the regret but for the response. For that's what you are responsible for NOW! Praying for you in all of your transitions.

    Love you bunches,
