Sunday, October 11, 2009

Well I guess I'll explain my blog title.

Well I guess I'll explain my blog title.

I don't know where exactly I heard of Michael Buble, and this may sound really super cheesy, but he has changed my life. Seriously. The man is a genius. Yes, I know he mostly does remakes of classic songs, but he does them so well. He's honest and passionate and...perfect. So that is why I named my blog after him. More specifically after my favorite song by him, Everything (which is a Buble original I might add).

And, of course, there's a reason that song is my favorite.

"You're a falling star, you're the getaway car, you're the line in the sand when I go too far. You're the swimming pool on an August day, and you're the perfect thing to say.
And I can't believe that I'm your man and I get to kiss you, baby, just because I can. Whatever comes our way, oh we'll see it through, cuz you know that's what our love can do.
And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times, it's you, it's you. You make me sing. You're every line, you're every word, you're everything."

It's probably pretty obvious why that song is my favorite. Because I want someone to say that to me. I want to be someone's everything. I want to make someone sing. I want a man that gets to kiss me just because he can. And you know what? I don't think that's too much to ask. I don't think that's selfish of me. And I think I deserve it.

Now I just have to practice something that I am HORRIBLE at: patience. I just have to remember that God has him picked out already and he's out there somewhere.
And to quote the spectacular Michael Buble again "I promise you, kid, I'll give so much more than I get. I just haven't met you yet."

Oh! I remember where I first heard of Michael (we're on a first name basis). It was in Laura Buncich's van. And it was Everything too! I am eternally grateful, Laura :)


  1. this is funny, interesting, AND cool.

    that's right.

  2. You're right - You do deserve it. God has that perfect person for and wait! Love you bunches, Mom

  3. Ditto what Mom said, and I love you and enjoyed seeing you all grown up yet still my little girl.
    love, dad

  4. now you're makin me want to listen to all of his songs!
    girl, we can wait and be patient together for our perfect guys

  5. Your a falling star, your the getaway car, your the line in the sand when i go to far!

  6. oh thank you ashley. you are the man of my dreams.
    you've got a lot of grammar errors on that one though...
