Friday, October 30, 2009

Oh the weather outside is weather.

I love today.

I'm pretty sure I looked like an idiot while I was walking back from class because I was smiling and bouncing. Forrealsies. It's so warm out! And it's so windy! And it's kinda rainy, which normally would be dreary. But today it was like a day in March when it's been snowy and gross for like 4 months and you're like "oh my gosh I HATE WINTER" and then you go outside and the snow is melty and it's warm out and it finally feels like spring. That's what today felt like. Which is kinda weird considering it's October...but I'm not complaining. I really wish my dorm room had a balcony because I would totally sit out there and sip coffee and write poetry or something.

You know why else I love today?

Because it has been 76 days since I've seen my best friend, Rebecca Christine Freed. Gosh I knew it was going to be hard to be separated from her for so long, but it turns out it has left a big dent in my heart. That sounds so cheesy. But I'm dead serious. We've known each other since we were in diapers and we've been through EVERYTHING together. This idea of being on my own and starting a new chapter of my life is so difficult without her being here. She's always been the one to be honest to me, to tell me I'm being stupid, and to truly listen to what I want to say. It's easy to feel sad when I think about all our memories together. But it makes me so happy to think about how strong our friendship still is even though we're miles apart. And I am overcome with joy to think about how she's doing amazing things and she's growing up and she's changing for the better. I'm so proud of her :) and I'm so glad I get to be here to encourage her and pray for her and laugh with her :) :) Oh and today? Today I get to SEE her :) :) :)

yep, I love today.


  1. 76 days?!? It feels like it has been a lifetime! But I can't wait to see you either. It's going to be great. I love you! :)

  2. sounds like a pretty awesome day
    i want to hear all about this fantastic weekend!!
    love ya!

  3. p.s. i love the title!
    oh the weather outside is weather...
